Legal Question in Family Law in Florida
Visitation Rights of Grandparents
My son currently lives with his mother in St. Petersburg and I am a college student in Tallahassee. My parents live in St. Petersburg and would like to have visitation rights because the mother is often uncooperative in setting up scheduled visitation. I also do not have established visitation rights and would like to do so. Do my parents have any rights through me or at all? What should I do.
2 Answers from Attorneys
Re: Visitation Rights of Grandparents
If I were you, I would engage a family lAW mediator to contact the child's mother ad attempt to promote a compromise which would include your parents. Otherwise, apply to the Court immediately for a visitation order. Sorry, but grandparents' petitions are not considered in Florida.However, a court filing will provide you with a forum to negotiate times for you and your parents to have time with your child.
Re: Visitation Rights of Grandparents
Has paternity been established by way of a Court Order or agreement between the parties? If not then a paternity action or agreement must be prepared. Once paternity has been established then you should attend mediation to draft a visitation schedule. On the times scheduled for your visitation you can have your parents visit at that time. Feel free to contact me, I know many qualified mediators or if you need information about a paternity action I would be happy to answer those questions. (954) 966-4140 Melody Stickel-Martinez, Esq.