Legal Question in Family Law in Florida
I have shared custody of my children. My daughter is 17. She only sees her father every other Saturday over night because she attends the school I work at and also has a job that is 3 minutes from my house. He gets 3 weeks visitation in the summer, which is fine, but he is insisting that she takes 2 weeks off from her job to go to North Carolina with him. She does not want to go and does not want to risk losing her job. She told him she can take one week off, not two. Can he force her to take 2 weeks off from her job and go out of state with him. She doesn't mind going to stay with him for 3 weeks, she just can't take off for 2 weeks from her job. She just bought a brand new car that she is trying to pay for. She loves her job and doesn't want to risk losing it.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Visitation
Although your ex has a right to visitation, the requests for visitation must be reasonable. In this case, it does not sound reasonable because your daughter can be forced into leaving her risking the loss of her job and her car.