Legal Question in Family Law in Florida
Visitation--Who Pays
My ex husband is in the military. He has continued to move further and further away every few years. Now he is Utah, I am in Florida, Marion County,where I have remained. I was ordered about 5 years ago to pay half of the transport cost of my daughter. That was approx $30. for a tank of gas 3x's times per year. Now he is in Utah, I cannot afford half of the plane tix. Am I still responsible, what will a judge say. Marion county Visitation states that if the residential parent moves out of state than they are responsilbe for half. I have not moved. Long story short, I have simply related to my ex husband that I am not keeping our daughter away from him; if he wants to see her he's going to have to buy the tix's because now it has become a financial burden. Please advise. I'm actually waiting to be served with some sort of papers anyday now.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Visitation--Who Pays
I would petition for modification of final decree on the basis of changed circumstances. Your transportation expenses have gone from a tank of gas to a plane ticket. Depending on your income, that could be significant change.
You can contact a local attorney or go to the self-help division of your local courthouse.