Legal Question in Civil Litigation in Florida
My ex boy friend got herpes. I did not know I had it. He says he has text messages on his phone saying i did. There is no medical records saying i have it. And he has not even been to the doctors to see if he does have it. You can have herpes for years without having an out break. He told me his mom has herpes. I plan on charging him with harassment for coming to my house with a girl and threatening to beat my ass and my moms. I have over 5 witnesses who saw this happen. He has a phone that belongs to my grandmothers that i left in my car and he took to borrow and wont return it. He has the phone turned on and in use. I have the box and everything to the phone. I sent him text messages threatening to press charges against him and he told me i was harassing him . He is on parole for theft.I know he has a car with plates not in his name, no car insurance, and no license. I have no idea what to do. I do not want to start something huge. I just want my grandmothers phone back. I am a full time college student and do not want to lose my finical aid assistants. Please tell me what to do. I do not have any money. I just want him out of my life and to get my grandmothers phone back.
2 Answers from Attorneys
If you truly want this jerk out of your life, then leave him and the phone alone. If the phone service is in your name, then turn it off.
If you knew that he was on parole for theft, drives a car with stolen plates, no insurance and no license, then you need to examine why YOU CHOSE him to be your "boyfriend" to begin with.
Go to school, get smart, and stay away from men with problems. Their problems always "rub off" on you, just as this one did.
If you want him out of your life, stop texting him and talking to him. You are causing the problem when you do that.
And yiour inaction on the phone is your fault. Simply call the cell phone company and they will turn it off.
Then, if you wish, swear out a warrant for theft. Yoiur text messages may have ruined the chances for doing that.
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