Legal Question in Civil Litigation in Florida
Employment contract
I had an employment contract which states ''effective Jan 1st (1996)''. I worked and was also paid at my new rate from that date. My employer had recently been trying to get me to reduce my salary by 50% which I had not agreed to. Realizing that I would not aquiesce and that the 90 day notice of non-renewal had passed on Oct 2 ( I believe), he instead gave me 90 days notice of non-renewal from Jan 18th, the date the contract was signed. The reason for the Jan 18th signature was that he was out of the country and had asked me to wait to sign this and other documents when he came back. All other salaried employees in the company work and are remunerated on a calendar basis ie Jan1 - Dec 31.
How do I stand?
Thank you
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Employment contract
Without seeing the entire contract and obtaining detailed facts, it is impossible to give a conclusive answer. For example, what date is referrenced in the paragraph on non-renewal? They may be other provisions for interpreting the contract. Were there any oral or written modifications? Did the parties engage in a course of conduct that changes their rights under the contract? Based solely on the limited information supplied, you appear to have a decent argument. You really need to retain counsel to obtain a definitive answer.
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