Legal Question in Immigration Law in Florida

I need help and advice on a very important issue please respond to me please. i was adopted in 2008 janaury by by second cousin and his wife i have been living with them, for three years now and things are not goin too good between us especailly him because he sexually n emotionally abuses me and i am always been blame for whatever happens in the household by him and her i am scared to be arouind him so we never develop a realtionship as a father daughter and his wife i dnont like talking to her cause wen u do talk to her she acts like she goin to do somtheing about the problem but then she dont.. he is going to send me back to jamaica where i was born but he will not give me my passport the american one that shows that i am a citzen and he know that i cannot travel back inside the us without it and he plans to send me back and not send back for me in jamaica. i would like to know what can i do to prevent him from taking my passport and stopping me from entering inside the us without his approval i am 17 years old and i wil be eighteen in november 19 but he is sending me back to jamaica before i turn 18 please what can i do to return i neeD my passport.

Asked on 10/26/10, 1:30 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Latangie Williams Law Office of Latangie Williams, P.A.

Just apply for another passport and state that your previous one has been misplaced, lost, or stolen. Have your passport sent to a safe address. If you are a U.S. Citizen, then no one can take that from you. If he does send you to JA, you can apply for your passport at the Consulate and travel back to the U.S. at a later time if you so choose. If you would like to discuss this further, please contact me at 1-800-408-5818. I am of Jamaican descent as well! Take care.

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Answered on 10/31/10, 2:12 pm
Dianne Brooks The Mandel Law Firm

Please, if your cousin is sexually abusing you, you should report that to the police. You can go to a shelter where someone can help you. Please, if you want help with this I would be happy to help you find a place in Florida where you can get away from this abusive situation.

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Answered on 11/01/10, 10:36 am

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