Legal Question in Immigration Law in Florida

I am Us citizen and have to brothers in Cuba that I will like to bring them to Usa, but the only issue is that we were adopted, our parents died when we were young we are 5 guys 3 of us were adopted by our grandparents and there last names are Rodriguez, Lopez which all 3 live here since 1970, and my brothers in Cuba were adopted by my aunt one of my grandmothers daughter and they have Santana, Rodriguez as there last name. My question is can they be brought to Usa as the law adjuste familiar by us?

Asked on 10/26/10, 5:38 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Dianne Brooks The Mandel Law Firm

Since your brothers were adopted by a different family you cannot petition for them, and in any case it would take not less than 8 years for a visa to become available as siblings of US citizens are in the 4th preference category.

The good news, however, is that since your brothers are Cuban all they need to do is get into the U.S., stay here for one year and then adjust status. I have recently completed such a Cuban adjustment for a client and her daughter who were admitted into the U.S. via Mexico. If you would like help with this, please give me a call, toll free at (866) 723 7610.

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Answered on 11/01/10, 11:07 am

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