Legal Question in Immigration Law in Florida

I am in Florida and my question is:

I am illegal (age 22) in the country and about to get married to a U.S. Citizen but she (age 22) is from New York and does not want her parents in New York to know she is getting married. Is there anyway we can get married without them knowing? will they receive any paperwork of any kind about our marriage?

Please respond ASAP.

Thank you.

Asked on 3/09/11, 9:58 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Latangie Williams Law Office of Latangie Williams, P.A.

The only way they will know about the marriage is if someone tells them or they purposefully do a search in the court records. You still need to consult with an immigration attorney since you have been in the US illegally so you can see how it will impact your case for applying for your greencard. For a free consultation, please contact my office at 1-800-408-5818 or email me at

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Answered on 3/10/11, 2:31 am
Seeta Nangia Law Offices of Seeta Nangia

You can get a confidential marriage certificate so that it is not a public record in California, but I am not sure if this is possible in Florida. Even if her parents do not know about the marriage, USCIS may frown upon the fact that her parents are not involved with the marriage or know about your relationship. If you entered the country without inspection, simply marrying your U.S. Citizen girlfriend does not give you status. You will have to submit a waiver for your unlawful presence at a U.S. Consulate abroad unless you are eligible to adjust status in the U.S. under 245i. Please feel free to contact me to discuss this matter further.

Seeta L. Nangia, Esq.

Law Offices of Seeta Nangia

Exclusively Practicing Immigration Law

Phone: (415) 273-9123



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Answered on 3/10/11, 12:08 pm

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