Legal Question in Immigration Law in Florida

Im currently married with a kid of our own. I currently have my Work Authorizarion and Im suppose to get my conditions removed when I began the next process to get my conditions removed. Well, my wife cheated on me, and now I don't now what to do, I make more money than her and I dont want to loose my kid. I would love to keep him if i could, so is it posible for me to do that?. Also I dont know how Im gonna get my paper now, or am I gonna end up being ilegal and have to leave?. I tried working things out with her, but she still remains unfaithful. I need help as soon as posible. Thank you for your time!

Asked on 12/01/10, 11:26 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Dianne Brooks The Mandel Law Firm

You need to speak with an experienced immigration attorney as soon as possible about your situation. There are cases where you can remove the conditions on your green card even if you are divorced, but you would need to actually be divorced and you still need to be able to prove that the marriage was entered into honestly. It sounds as if you may be able to make a case to remain here but you must get good legal advice.

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Answered on 12/06/10, 11:54 am

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