Legal Question in Employment Law in Florida


for several months, i was discriminated against and harrassed by my supervisor. the mistreatment wasn't due to race, and wasn't sexual. if i have documented proof, and proof from within the company that his actions were inappropriate, and resulted in my losing my job, is there anything i can do?

Asked on 4/21/02, 1:27 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Anne Terry Law Office of Anne Curtis Terry

Re: discrimination/harrassment

The reason for the apparent discriminaton and harassment is the KEY. Tell me more about what motivated your employer or co workers to treat you like that. Define any "protected category" you are in, such as disability, national origin, marital status, age... Also, call the EEOC to pass this by them, and to make sure you do not miss the short statute of limitations on filing charges with them or with the Florida Commission on Human Relations in Tallahassee. I do those administrative charges and initial case analysis for a very modest fee, payable in installments.

[email protected]

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Answered on 4/22/02, 4:45 am

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