Legal Question in Employment Law in Florida
Empolyment Contract
My employer wants me to sign a non-compete agreement..with no work contract...yes or no
Asked on 2/01/07, 3:14 pm
2 Answers from Attorneys
Re: Empolyment Contract
A standard non-compete agreement is valid in the state of Florida. There are several factors you should consider before signing one. Your question does not have enough facts on which to base an opinion. Talk to a attorney.
Answered on 2/01/07, 3:22 pm
Mayra Colon
Colon Partners, P.A.
Re: Empolyment Contract
Yes or no? It depends on what the agreement says and where you want to go with this. I also depend on whether you want a legal lecture or practical advise. I am a Board Certified Labor and Employment Lawyer and am very experienced in these issues. If you are interested in a FREE private online consultation, send me an email to
Answered on 2/01/07, 3:51 pm