Legal Question in Employment Law in Florida

fired for miscarriage

I worked at a nationwide department store in the pharmacy. I had a miscarriage, became extreemly depressed and attempted suicide causing me to be in the hospital for an extra week. I gave my employer all notes to cover absences, but was still made to wait almost a full month while they decided if i would still have a job. They finally fired me, and then tried to get my unemployment stopped, which they failed to do. What is the statute of limitations on this, and do i have a case against them.

Asked on 4/14/02, 6:41 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Anne Terry Law Office of Anne Curtis Terry

Re: fired for miscarriage

In regard to your potential pregnancy discrimination claim under Title VII, one must act promptly to exhaust administrative remedies. Call the Miami or Tampa EEOC or State FCHR as soon as possible to discuss filing a charge of employment discrimination. Or, if you wish obtain counsel to do this for you. You have at least 180 days from the date of discrimination to file that charge.There may be other causes of actions or bases for suit, which you can discuss with me or any Florida attorney.

best of luck and let me know if I can help you.

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Answered on 4/16/02, 5:01 am

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