Legal Question in Employment Law in Florida

Layoffs and Implied Contracts

I was recently layoff for ''lack of work'' or ''reduction in personnel.'' However, the employer is actively hiring and moreover, prior to be told about my layoff, I was offered a position of less seniority and pay and involving a relocation. Obviously, I declined the offer. Some months later I was told that my layoff was inminent and that it was unfortunate that I didn't accept the offer to relocate, but the offer was made prior to me having any knowledge of the elimination of my position. Additionally, during my hiring interview, the company president implied that employment with the company was secured and for the long term (not 20 months!). In my 2000 review, the same individual stated ''It is important that [name] stays in his present role throughout 2001 and establish some solid results for our business. As a next step I would like to see him move into a xx role or take an xxx leadership position with increased responsibilities in early 2002.'' Since I lived up to establishing solid results, isn't there an implied contract in his interview remarks and performance appraisal the company should live up to too?

Asked on 4/11/02, 5:07 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Anne Terry Law Office of Anne Curtis Terry

Re: Layoffs and Implied Contracts

please enter the question again and ask for an attorney who is knowledgeable in contract law in the special area of quasi contract or implied in law contracts. sorry, I have not had enough cases in that area to venture an opinion.

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Answered on 4/11/02, 9:16 pm

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