Legal Question in Employment Law in Florida

I left 1 employment in florida to go to wrok in new york, then I left that employment to come back to florida because of family issues however I had secured employment with an contractor who in turn when I arrived back in florida he no longer said he could employ me due to business failing, I have been denied unemployment and now I have a telephone interview for june 1st and I have no means of funds since March 2010, do i need legal representation, I need advise

Asked on 5/26/10, 3:19 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Scott Behren Behren Law Firm

Not sure whey if the employer fired you they would be able to oppose your unemployment benefits. You probably should get legal counsel to handle the telephone hearing. Most employment lawyers such as my office handle these claims on a flat fee basis.

I have some posts relating to your issue on my employee rights blog

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Answered on 5/27/10, 8:17 am

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