Legal Question in Employment Law in Florida
Recently 'Fired' from my job in retail sales(October) with the alleged reason " being discourteous to a patron of the employers business"- I was not able to collect unemployment benefits until the state(Florida) challenged the firing and the employer was not able to substantiate their reason for firing me, also I had worked for this retailer over 3 year period with good reviews. Although I am now eligible for U/C benefits, I feel my former employers wreckless actions have unjustly impaired my future employment possibilities because of my acknowledgment being 'fired' to potential employers. With my age (over 45) and current economic conditions of the current work force-I understand age and economic factors are uncontrolable, yet the stigma of being fired statistically reduces my chances for employment opportunities.
My question- would it be worthwhile to persue my previous employer on grounds of wrongfull termination beause there is no proof of the said circumstances and there is a possibility of personal vengeful actions from a district manager creating the situation.
Thank you.
1 Answer from Attorneys
No. It would not ne worth it.