Legal Question in Employment Law in Florida

He is selling the business what should I do?

I'm working at small hotel with 10 rooms more than 2 years and now the onwer of the hotel put the property and the business for sell. I would like to know what is my legal rights.

-He has to give me notice?

-How much he has to pay me?

-He has to pay my vacacion?

I will be wainting for your response.

Thank you.

Asked on 3/06/02, 3:49 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Anne Terry Law Office of Anne Curtis Terry

Re: He is selling the business what should I do?

First, I sympathize with your plight.

Next, let me ask, do you have a contract of employment with the motel?

If not, you may be vulnerable to firing since Florida is an employment at will state. However, employers may not fire one for a discriminatory reason.. If you believe that has happened, contact the EEOC or the Florida Commission on Human Relations.

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Answered on 3/06/02, 4:10 pm

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