Legal Question in Employment Law in Florida

I signed a work contract with a publishing company called "Last Stand Productions". I finished and sent them work that was requested of me and they have a limited amount of days to at least contact me about what is happening with story etc. They ignore ALL my emails and do not respond anymore and it has been 90 days since I got last email from company.They also have my Soc. Security number and other information about me plus they are more then likely using my story and making money off of the work or ideas based on the work. That is fraud! There has to be some legal way to do something so this does not happen to other hard workers out there that this company rapes and takes advantage of. Please help me in this matter, thank you for helping.

Asked on 5/26/10, 9:29 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Scott Behren Behren Law Firm

You need to have a lawyer take a look at your contract. Maybe send them a demand letter.

You can also check out my employee rights blog at

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Answered on 5/27/10, 8:20 am

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