Legal Question in Employment Law in Florida

Undeserved Defamating Reference

I worked for a baseball acadamy for almost 2 years. My boss was more than upset when I quit because I only gave him 1 weeks notice. I only gave him one weeks notice because I knew he would cut my hours if I gave him two weeks notice(the same he did when I asked to work two half days for vacation). He was upset I did not give him more notice.

I recently heard he gave me an extremly bad reference to my current company. He did this out of spite and a personal vendetta. Most of what was said was not true and I was told that my situation may warrant legal action. Does he have the right to ''bury'' me on a reference. My application with refernces had been turned in months before I quit. Please help and respond as soon as possible.

Thank You.

Asked on 10/30/02, 8:44 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Keith Stern Shavitz Law Group

Re: Undeserved Defamating Reference

Your employer has statutory immunity with regard to employment references unless you can provide that the information provided was knowingly false. Moreover, from a practical standpoint, even if you could prove such a high standard, it doesn't sound like there would, practically speaking, be enough money to be a contingency matter. As such, the only was you could proceed would be on an hourly basis. If you think you might be interested in proceeding, please give me a call at (305) 810-2887.

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Answered on 10/30/02, 8:53 pm

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