Legal Question in Employment Law in Florida
Unfair dismissal
Without warning I was suspended from my job as an Accountant for a college for doing an adjustment on a Student's account without authorization. This incident happened in December 2000 and although student accounts was aware of it, no action was taken. In July 2002 I was put on suspension with pay with a notice to discharge unless I asked for a hearing. I asked for a hearing and was allowed to select two members of a five member committee.
After the hearing I was terminated(the vote was 3-2). I have since discovered that the three members on the panel were told the President wanted me terminated. What can I do?
I have never had a written warning or had any disciplinary action against me before I have worked there for almost 5 years.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Unfair dismissal
Depending on whether it is a state or private university, you may have internal appeal rights and/or may have a potential due process violation. These cases are very complex and it would therefore be easier to provide you with accurate information if you contact me directly at (305) 810-2887.
Thank you.