Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in Florida
My apt flooded and they put my child and myself in a model home where we can't do laundry or cook . They aren't replacing anything and I am concerned about mold and my child's health. He is only one. So all I asked was to cancel my lease and they won't. Is there anything I can do ?? Your help is greatly appreciative . Thank you
Asked on 1/04/11, 8:58 pm
1 Answer from Attorneys
Shelly Schellenberg MI & FL
private practice
You live in a model home, but you can't cook? They must either make your apartment habitable or release you from your lease. Go to the nearest legal aid clinic to see an attorney. If your belongings were damaged due to negligence on the part of the landlord, you may get relief by suing in small claims court. But, apartment dwellers are expected to insure their own personal possessions with renters insurance.
Answered on 1/10/11, 5:44 am
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