Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in Florida

On monday, 9am, there was a flood in our building (venetia condo - was on many news stations) that ended up getting into the buildings main electrical system. As such, we lost power to ALL elevators (had to walk up and down 18 flights of stairs), water (couldn't flush toilets even), and air conditioning... for 3 days. We spent monday and tuesday night in the extreme heat with no running water... whole apartment building started to smell like a sewer. Wednesday we walked down 18 flights of stairs with our cats and luggage and went to a hotel. Late lat night, they got water and elevators working again..but are saying AC is and will be broken in all units for 2 weeks. Do you know if this is legal?? We went back to our apartment today to get some stuff and it was 85 degrees and still reeked. We aren't looking for a major law suit, but are looking to be reimbursed for hotel

Asked on 9/06/12, 5:41 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Barry Stein De Cardenas, Freixas, Stein & Zachary

Hire an attorney now. There is a poential class action against the building if they were aware of the problems and did not take timely action. Is there insurance coverage? All options need to be explored.

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Answered on 9/07/12, 6:29 am

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