Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in Florida
Can a past employer keep me from renting??
I used to work as a leasing associate for an apartment building. I was a tenant while simutaneously working on the property receiving an ''employee rate'' for the rent of the apartment. As a result of my resignation, I am forced to leave my apartment in 15 days, which was explained in the employee manual. What was told to me upon being hired was that if I wished to remain in the apartment after termination of employment, I would have to pay market value. What I would like to do is remain a resident and pay fair market value for the apartment. I have been told by the property manager that the owner of the property, my former boss, will not allow me to remain on the property even if I pay the same rate as other residents. IS THIS LEGAL????
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Can a past employer keep me from renting??
I would need to see the contract before I could properly advise you.