Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in Florida
What are my rights as a tenant?
We are behind on our rent. We have made 4 partial payments.They are now demanding the rest in full by a handwritten note giving us 3 days.It does not specify that it is a notice to quit.After the 1st payment,excessive rain caused app.8in of standing water in our yard.We took some of our rent$ and paid to pump it out.They never contacted us for the week we were in water but afterwards said they would work with us.They were supposed to bring fill dirt in and today when the 3 days start we get dirt.They put it directly behind my vehicle and I was blocked in.Was that retaliatory?What are my rights?
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: What are my rights as a tenant?
What you describe does not at all sound like a valid eviction. There are statutory rules to follow and "handwritten" does not qualify. Do you have children? Contact legal aid or even one of the family/homeless agencies in your county to get you help with your rent and ask for legal help.