Legal Question in Landlord & Tenant Law in Florida
Tenant Rights
Can a tenant be charged for an item that was stolen and reported to the police during a burglarly? This is an apartment complex that want the tenants to pay.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Tenant Rights
It depends on what the item is, what the tenant did, and what responsibility the tenant had for securing the item. If the tenant left the door wide open, and the landlord's refrigerator was stolen from the tenant's apartment, then, yes, the tenant is liable. The lease may also say who is liable for theft. As a general rule, the tenant is responsible for keeping the landlord's property secure in the rented dwelling and, if the property is lost, damaged, or stolen, the tenant must pay.
The landlord may have insurance, and you should look into the possiblility. Also, tenant's insurance is a cheap option that should always be considered.
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