Legal Question in Personal Injury in Florida

Someone close to me is in the hospital because he choked on his vomit in the car on their way home from his wedding, became unconscious for 12 hours, oxygen deprivation, leading to oxygen assist after he was force to drink from this person.

Are there anything the family can do, such as sue the person for forcing alcohol on the other who was obviously over his limit already? Many witness can account for this act as well.

Thank you.

Asked on 3/05/14, 9:30 am

2 Answers from Attorneys

Steven Meyer CPLS, P.A.

There are various laws that limit claims that one can make related to injuries that occur after drinking too much. I would need to hear more details about what happened. We would be happy to speak to you about the situation. We offer a free initial consultation.

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Answered on 3/05/14, 9:34 am

Sorry to hear about these circumstances. Whether or not a claim can be made will depend on the nature of the "force" referenced in your question. It is unclear whether the individual suffered permanent damage from the question, which would go to potential amount of compensation is a liability case can be made.

Nevertheless, voluntary intoxication generally does not provide a grounds for relief if the "force" was actually encouragement or peer pressure.

You should consult an attorney for a confidential discussion of all the material facts.

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Answered on 3/05/14, 9:44 am

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