Legal Question in Personal Injury in Florida

Florida civil case. Plaintiffs attorney dismissed one of the defendants, with prejudice, in a civil case without consulting his client. Dismissed Defendant later found to be liable.

Asked on 10/09/14, 9:32 am

3 Answers from Attorneys

Barry Stein De Cardenas, Freixas, Stein & Zachary

How was the defendant later found to be liable? Why was the defendant dismissed with prejudice in a case? Did the defendant pay for the discharge from the case? You don't ever ask a question. Your fact pattern just raises many questions in and of itself.

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Answered on 10/09/14, 11:38 am

If you have a question about the facts you recite, then have a formal consultation with an attorney to discuss the details. Only under those circumstances can there be a full understanding of the circumstances and your issues addressed.

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Answered on 10/10/14, 5:10 am
David Burns David H. Burns, P. A.

You don't identify who you are and you don't ask any question. Your limited post makes it sound like you are the Plaintiff in the case and that you are inquiring as to whether you may have a legal malpractice case against your attorney? Not enough factual information is given to determine with any clarity your relationship to the case, and the factual circumstances. You need to consult with a qualified attorney who can ascertain all the relevant facts and provide you with a meaningful answer.

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Answered on 10/10/14, 7:42 am

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