Legal Question in Real Estate Law in Florida
boat parked on private property
I live in a one-story condo. My boat has been parked on my private property for 10yrs. by permission of the board. Now a new board has come in and said ''out it must go'' I have to remove it though it's ON my private property. No where in the bylaws does it say it cannot be parked on PRIVATE property.
4 Answers from Attorneys
Re: boat parked on private property
If you have something in writing from previous boards, you may be able to continue under a legal doctrine known as estoppel. A review of the condo documents, board minutes and votes, and other facts is required for an answer to your question. See a real estate lawyer.
Re: boat parked on private property
We can assist you in this matter, but we will need to review your documents.
Re: boat parked on private property
A review of your condo documents and rules is required prior to determining what rights you have. Chances are you will be able to keep the boat where it has been. Retain counsel
Re: boat parked on private property
The property where the boat is parked is likely not private property, but community property owned by the condo assn and shared with your neighbors. If so, then the condo assn has authority to tell you to have it moved at any time. If not, and the boat is on private property, it would depend on your local ordinances and whether the condo assn has that authority.