Legal Question in Real Estate Law in Florida

My "boyfriend" watched my cat @ his house while I was in jail for 4 months. I just got out of jail and called him and he said that his mom doesn't want to give her up. I love my cat and I want her back. He promised me that he would take care of her while I was in jail and that I could have her back. Can they legally not give her back to me? What can I do?

Asked on 9/13/09, 10:32 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Sarah Grosse Sarah Grosse, Esquire

I answered your previous question. Same answer.

I love my cat too, and I would certainly take someone to small claims court to get her back!

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Answered on 9/14/09, 12:51 am
Sarah Grosse Sarah Grosse, Esquire

Actually, I would like to add to my answer.

If it was me: I have papers which say I own my cat -- she is microchipped and everything. I would probably show-up to retrieve my cat, and if refused, I would leave the property and call the police. The cops would come, I would produce my ownership papers, and maybe the police would let me take my cat. Of course, the people in possession of my cat could say I gave it to them or something, and the police could refuse to intervene and say it is a civil matter. But, being that I love my cat like a child and would want her back immediately, I would give it a shot. If that didn't work, I would immediately go prepare and file my small claims complaint.

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Answered on 9/14/09, 12:51 pm

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