Legal Question in Real Estate Law in Florida
how to dismiss a fraudulent lawsuit from a Realtor which fraudulently trying to claim a commission on our property ?
We have never signed any listing agreement or offer with that Realtor.
It is a total extortion ,
Asked on 4/14/16, 8:18 pm
2 Answers from Attorneys
Barry Stein
De Cardenas, Freixas, Stein & Zachary
You hire an attorney. Your conclusions need to be supported by facts. You start by addressing the claims in the complaint.
Answered on 4/15/16, 5:15 am
David Slater
David P. Slater, Esq.
I am both a realtor and attorney. If you have proof her claim is frivolous, make motion to dismiss. Your attorney may also have them pay your attorney fees. good luck.
Answered on 4/15/16, 7:24 am