Legal Question in Real Estate Law in Florida
Homeowner Association Rules
I am renting a townhome in a community with an HOA. In the rules it states ''No trucks, commercial or recreational vehicles, boats , trailers, or motorcycles shall be permitted. Service vehicles shall be permitted only during such time as service is being performed.''
My husband and I separated a few weeks ago (hence the move here) and he has been coming to visit our children every weekend (about 5-6 hours Sat & Sun). He drives a pickup. Yesterday I was given a letter that states in part ''a newer model truck license#xxx has been illegally parked on several locations...If it comes on to the property again it will be towed.'' The HOA manager and another gentleman came to my door yesterday while my husband was here to let us know we can't have the truck parked here. Not even to visit. Is that legal?? How is my husband supposed to visit his kids?? He did get a sticker on his window about 2 weeks ago, but there was no explanation why he got it. I plan to contact my landlord on Monday to see if he has any pull, but these gentlemen sounded pretty sure of themselves, and I felt this letter was unneccesarily harsh. Thanks for any advice.
1 Answer from Attorneys
Re: Homeowner Association Rules
They have the right to enforce that rule.