Legal Question in Real Estate Law in Florida
Need to know about what is the law on an 8 feet land dispute
I purchased this property since 1964 and it had never been
surveyed, now the surveyor is saying that someone else property line is running 8 feet through my house. Help
2 Answers from Attorneys
Re: Need to know about what is the law on an 8 feet land dispute
You need an attorney. Hopefully something can be worked out with the correct owner. That may depend on just where this 8 feet is located. Never buy land without a survey and title insurance.
Re: Need to know about what is the law on an 8 feet land dispute
You need to hire a real estate lawyer experienced in real estate litigation, just in case the matter cannot be resolved amicably or in the event you are served with a lawsuit. Seek counsel because nolawyer will be able to resolve this problem with an e-mail over the internet. Good luck.