Legal Question in Real Estate Law in Florida

Property damage caused by the City

Deltona,Fl. had flooded areas last year.I live a non flood zone.Behind my home is a City owned retention area.It was dry.The County allowed the City to dump water in this retention area knowing it would cause damage to residential property surrounding it.A document was obtained to prove this from a council meeting.My property was flooded from the dumping of the water from other areas by the city.As a result, it destroyed my septic service to my home.The City states they are exempt from the damages and refuse to fix it or pay for it to be fixed.I have tried to get a home loan for this, but can not pass a new appraisal due to the my home now being, nonfunctional.The County did give permission to the City to do this according to the document and added they are exempt from damages to residential properties, even though they knew of the damage that this would cause from the dumping of water at this sight.Do I have any legal recourse against the City and or the County?



Asked on 1/30/04, 12:28 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Peter Gonzalez Sanchez-Medina, Gonzalez, Quesada, Lage, Crespo, Gomez & MachadoLLP

Re: Property damage caused by the City

You may have viable claims against both the city and county, but without learing more about your case and reviewing the documents referred to in your question, I cannot give you any meaningful guidance or respond to the city's claim of "exemtpion" from liability. You should sit down with a civil litigator experienced in pursuing cliams against municipalities and county government.

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Answered on 1/30/04, 2:43 pm

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