Legal Question in Real Estate Law in Florida

I was in a relationship for six years that has recently ended. Approximately four years ago we moved to Florida together, and I gave her two thousand dollars to help her start saving for a car. Instead of soing that she bought a dog that I had been wanting for some time, and gave it to me for Valentines day. I have had my dog for three years now and have been the only constant and his sole provider. Approximately a year ago she started seeing someone else, not to my knoledge, and started not coming home. I continued to take care of the household as well as the pets without her. Now our lease is up at the end of October and is trying to take my dog even though I believe she has no rights to him at all. And has not been officially living in the house for almost a year, and during that time had barely any contact with him. Please help.

Asked on 9/10/09, 6:02 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Sarah Grosse Sarah Grosse, Esquire

She can't take your dog if she gave it to you as a present. Additionally, the dog is property, which even if it was hers and if she abandoned it for a year, it is quite unlikely she could reclaim possession of it now.

The easiest thing to do is not let her take the dog. Tell her to sue you if she wants the dog. If she does take the dog, you can sue her to get him back. Either case would be in small claims, and you don't need a lawyer.

Good luck.

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Answered on 9/10/09, 8:33 pm

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