Legal Question in Real Estate Law in Florida
Tenant vs landlord
If i broke my lease, am i responsible for the rent even if the apartment, has been rented after two week moving
2 Answers from Attorneys
Re: Tenant vs landlord
Based upon the information provide, you would be responsible for the loss of rental income to the landlord for the balance of the lease term. The dollar amount is dependent on the amount of rent the landlord is receiving from the new tenant.
Alexander M. Rosenfeld
Rosenfeld & Stein, P.A.
18260 NE 19 Ave
Responsibility for Rent After Breach and Vacancy
Q. If i broke my lease, am i responsible for the
rent even if the apartment has been rented.
A. Probably for some of the rent. If you signed a
lease for a time certain and left before the time
was up and it was not the landlord's fault you left,
then you are liable for any difference in the
amount the landlord re-rented the unit for and
what your lease specified.
William W. Fernandez
William W. Fernandez, Attorney at Law
250 Panama Road East