Legal Question in Traffic Law in Florida

driving with suspended/failure to appear

my boyfriend was pulled over for improperly flashing his lights at a cop (idiot) and was also ticketed for driving with suspended license. he had a court date this week and did not go, they have not issued a warrant as of yet ( 3 days after he didnt show). will they? or does he just have to go to the clerks office and pay the tickets? if they have issued a warrant would they arrest him at the clerks office? how does that work?

Asked on 3/28/08, 4:29 pm

2 Answers from Attorneys

Robert M. Perez Law Office of Robert M. Perez, State and Federal Criminal Defense

Re: driving with suspended/failure to appear

Driving with a suspended license is a criminal offense. Therefore, he will have a bench warrant out for his arrest. Your boyfriend needs a lawyer to vacate his bench warrant. Please contact my office if you have any further questions. My initial office consultation are free.

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Answered on 3/29/08, 3:11 pm

Re: driving with suspended/failure to appear

If it is a criminal traffic offense, then yes, they will most likely issue a warrant for his arrest. He should try to write the judge and obtain a new court date.

However, if it is a civil traffic offense, then not issue a warrant.

In either case though, they will issue a notice to suspend his license until he clears it up.

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Answered on 3/28/08, 5:01 pm

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