Legal Question in Wills and Trusts in Florida

adding someone to a will or estate after death

Can an individual be added to a will or estate after the death has occured of the person in question who wrote the will or set up the estate. Ex... A son, grandson, or daughter who is left out of a will or estate, can they now be included if all parties involved or named in the will or estate agree to include them, although the initial will did not.

Asked on 1/11/07, 9:08 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

William Nolan Nolan Elder Law LLC

Re: adding someone to a will or estate after death

Whose Will is it? Only the owner of the will can change the will and if he/she is dead, there might be a problem. However, a will can be modified by the court in a way. Pre-termitted heirs are people who are mistakenly omitted and they can petition the court to add them to the list of beneficiaries. You will need a lawyer for this though. You can also challenge the will itself, which will also require a lawyer. Finally, if everyone in the will wants someone to have a share, they can simply divide the bequests after the will is probated so that the person left out is included. That would not require a lawyer, BUT it would require a great deal of trust in your fellow beneficiares.

William Nolan

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Answered on 1/11/07, 9:44 am

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