Legal Question in Wills and Trusts in Florida

Hi I'm dealing with a very complex case in Florida where I am the individual and I am being sued/foreclosed on buy a person with many different titles and names. This person has been countersued and sued and sued again for the same thing over and over just a different day And when the clients have plenty of evidence, it just doesn't seem to stop this guy. I have as far as I know, I have two choices to make. Do what's morally right, stand and make sure that this man can never destroy another family again, there should not be another victim to his list of hundreds. Or I can take the cash offer he is offering me, let him drop the foreclosure, and take me and my four kids and leave and be quiet..... But the thing is I'm not the type to sit around to be quiet Not when it comes to people's lives families, I definitely am not a superhero but I tell you what I'm probably the worst villain I could be to myself for allowing me and my kids to just walk away while somebody else has to go through hell because nobody else will stand up to this man. I've been told by many different attorneys that he is a shark a dirty shark and pain put up front. The thing is I shouldn't have to choose between doing what's morally right or doing what's financially right because it's beyond this pretty logical I think anybody should do what's morally right... I can't walk away and I can't I'm trying to do the smart thing and just take the money and go but I have not allowed myself to be okay with this for one instant since he offered this to me 3 days ago. I need to find out who can do something about this besides me one person did suggest that I'm a group of these people and I know there's a lot of them that absolutely hate this man and I used to think it was just because he was a businessman and they were jealous wow was I wrong I feel like I should open my eyes a lot long time ago.

So yes there are a lot of details to my case That's currently going on with the foreclosure I don't know every single thing that I could list for to counters before but it doesn't seem like that matters no matter what this man wins and I just can't jeopardize or risk my children not having a roof over their head just to save the world. There's got to be somebody that stops people like this there's got to be somebody out there that says hey you need to stop being a bully get off the court..... My question is who? What are the steps that I have to take to ensure that at least this man can't do it

Asked on 7/24/24, 6:21 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Barry Kaufman The Law Office of Barry W. Kaufman

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Answered on 7/25/24, 1:25 am

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