Legal Question in Wills and Trusts in Florida
What is the Time Limit to close a Trust upon ones death
My grandmother passed away last week, she left all property in a trust naming myself and my brother as benaficeries of the trust how long can the trust remain open before it must be closed.
Asked on 3/31/01, 11:43 pm
1 Answer from Attorneys
Melody Stickel-Martinez
Melody Stickel-Martinez, Esq.
Re: What is the Time Limit to close a Trust upon ones death
The Trust should specify what the time frame is with respect to the distribution of the assets. All Trusts are different, therefore, read your grandmother's Trust carefully and it should so state. If you still need help feel free to contact me. I will review it for you at no charge to help you out.
Answered on 6/06/01, 10:34 am