Legal Question in Workers Comp in Florida

for help

My name is Calm, I want to have your help if possible for my case, I am working for an printing related company, my employer paid far below than the contract for more than one year, and always required us to work over time with no compensation, we are working in a health harmful environment, always inhale chemical materials like ink and solvent, we always feel terrible with throats, but we do not have any insurance, he just do not want to pay, only I can found about medical things is some little money on W-2 paid to government, but if I feel not good with my throat, I had to pay myself.

I want to solve the problem but there is a trick here, every time we need tools or parts, we need to sign for out, but there is no any proof when we returned them, my employer will say, ''that is it, I know you return it''. so do you think it is possible for him to require us to pay for the parts and tools if I require any compensation like medical insurance or to pay as contract, I think he will do anything good to him.

Thank you for your time and appreciate for any response from you!

Have a good weekend

Asked on 6/10/09, 11:36 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Angelo Marino Angelo Marino Jr. PA

Re: for help

Calm, I have some difficulty understanding everything you are trying to tell us. First, if you are not a manager or supervisor, certainly your boss is required to pay for overtime and you would have a case aganist him for that. Florida statutes provides for attorneys, fees, costs, and penalties against an employer. If there are more than 4 employees, your employer is required to have workers compensation. Finally, if the employer has not alleged that you have not taken the tools without returning then by now, it will be difficult latter to do. For your protection, have him sign a paper saying that you returned all the tools each time you do return them.

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Answered on 6/11/09, 9:14 am

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