Legal Question in Family Law in Georgia
Child Support
I was fired from my job three weeks ago and I don't have the money to pay child support to my ex-wife. Am I still required to pay it? Also, can she keep me from seeing my child until I pay it?
2 Answers from Attorneys
Re: Child Support
You are still required to pay it. If you can't pay all of it pay as much as you can so that you won't be held in contempt of court. Visitation and support are separate issues, visitation should still be allowed. If not, then you could bring an action to hold your ex in contempt of the final order.
Re: Child Support
You should immediately file an action to modify your child support obligation before the arrears start to add up. The mother cannot withold visitation for nonpayment of child support. You can file an action for contempt against her if she tries. However, please be advised that she may file the same action against you for nonpayment of your support obligation. Despite losing your job, you are still obligated to provide support for your minor child. Since you can't afford to do so, a modification should be filed immediately. Feel free to contact my office for further consultation on this issue.