Legal Question in Civil Rights Law in Georgia

child guardianship/custody

one parent ''gave'' child to friend, other parent not notified but has full parental (joint)custody & rights. Child was not a resident of this state at the time of guardianship but now is. The 2nd parent finds child after months of searching, court will not release child back to this parent even though first parent has basically lost rights. The friend is possibly using child for large support payment. Even though a hearing was held verifying the 2nd parent has rights & should get to know child, nothing has come of it. No visitation no trial date, guardian does everything to limit parents contact with child & is actually in cahoots with first parent. Where to go from here??? the child is actually about 5 states away. Feel like everyone is taking advantage of the situation or there is some secret going on. HELP!!!

Asked on 12/18/03, 7:11 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Regina Mullen Legal Data Services, PLC

Re: child guardianship/custody

This doesn't make a lot of sense, and there is obviously a lot more going on here than you being an "innocent" parent who had no idea where your child was.

I suggest you hire counsel and make sure your parental rights are protected. If you can't afford one, call your local legal hotline and ask them how to proceed based upon te real facts of your case.

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Answered on 12/18/03, 11:09 pm

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