Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in Georgia
If company has a judgement against me, can they take my tax refund?
2 Answers from Attorneys
No, but when it lands in your bank account they can take that, and your paycheck. If you have a judgment against you, you need a lawyer.
Not in Georgia. In some states like Michigan, they could.
I would be more concerned that if a judgment is entered in Georgia that the creditor will garnish your wages if you are employed by someone. Up to 25% of your disposable pay can be taken. Any assets that you own free and clear of liens are also at risk as is your bank account unless you get Social Security or similarly exempt funds. Attorney Ashman is correct in noting all of this.
Bankruptcy may or may not be the answer depending on your assets and debts. However, you do need to have a plan for tackling the debt, either by bankruptcy, or by some other method of paying it.
Depends on who the judgment creditor and law firm is, what the judgment is for and how much. If you have a lot of debts and can file a chapter 7, that may be the best way to go. If your debt is small and manageable, I can help you settle or work out a payment arrangement to prevent garnishment or levy on your bank account or assets.
If you are interested in resolving your debt in a non-bankruptcy non-litigation context, please contact me at I give free consults via email. I charge $50 for a 30-minute phone consult and $50 if you wish me to review documentation. I can also resolve the judgment for a reasonable fee.