Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in Georgia


i have a creditor that has done so many questionable things it will be easier for me to list them:

- called family members and shared details with them about my account, constantly.

-call me the day before as well as the day of my payment to make sure that i am going to pay.

-physically stopped my brother while driving to ask about my account.

-came into my job and asked detailed questions as well as spoken account info loudly in front of customers.

-came into my job after i requested they not contact me there.

-called my job and misrepresented themselves as friends to get to me after my boss told them not to call.

-called my brother and told him thet my landlord was going to evict me if i didnt pay them, when they hqve no connection to, noe have spoken with my landlord.

-threatened to repossess property when they have no real intention of doing so.

-sent a letter revealing account info to my employer, without my knowledge or permission(not with the purpose of collecting $ through garnishment, but just to shame me into paying).

given this and their calling every hour, with no time limitations, do i have grounds to file a lawsuit, or are they protected in all these actions?

Asked on 9/21/06, 8:13 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Scott Riddle Law Office of Scott B. Riddle, LLC

Re: Harassment?

Given the personal contact, I assume there is more to the story and there is a personal relationship involved. Therefore, I will limit the response to this -- resolve the debt, honor whatever obligation you have to the person, and move on.

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Answered on 9/21/06, 9:03 pm

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