Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in Georgia

can a restraining notice be put on a joint bank account? Can I have my name taken off the account before the restraining happens

Asked on 5/19/11, 11:46 am

2 Answers from Attorneys

Glen Ashman Ashman Law Office also dba Glen Ashman Attorney

There is no such thing as a "restraining notice." What is it you are actually trying to do?

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Answered on 5/19/11, 11:48 am

A restraining order is what it sounds like - an order to restrain someone from doing something, like in the case of domestic violence a man will be restrained (i.e. prevented) from harassing/abusing his ex-wife or girlfriend.

What you mean is a levy. I assume you or someone with whom you have a joint account is or will soon be levied upon. If you want to protect your or the other person's funds, then yes, get your name off of the account ASAP. I assume that only one of you is going to be liable for the judgment debt; otherwise, if both of you are liable, then getting your name off of the account won't help. And drain all fundss from this account before your bank is served with the garnishment notice.

However, before you speak about levies, judgments can be resolved. If bankruptcy is an option, then consult a bankruptcy attorney who can more specifically evaluate your or the other person's assets and debts. If bankruptcy is not an option, I can resolve the debt, for a reasonable fee, depending on the amount and if you have the requisite funds.

If you are interested, please contact me at

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Answered on 5/19/11, 3:44 pm

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