Legal Question in Credit and Debt Law in Georgia
can the state of california garnish wages when I no longer live in the state? I live in Ga now.
2 Answers from Attorneys
If you owe them money, and you gave us no details, presumably they can file a suit in Georgia and pursue you here. Since you didn't tell us any details, there's no way to be more specific.
You should speak to a California attorney about wage garnishment. I don't know the basis for the garnishment. Assuming there is a California judgment of some kind, is your employer in California even though you work in Georgia? Assuming the answer is no, then the judgment creditor would have to transfer the Calfornia judgment to Georgia. Once the California judgment is properly registered, it can be enforced like any other Georgia judgment, which means that your wages could then be garnished. There are limits in Georgia as to what a judgment creditor can get and if there are other wage garnishments in place (like for child support) there are even more restrictions.
If you want to discuss the specifics of your situation, I give free consults via email. You can contact me at if interested.