Legal Question in Criminal Law in Georgia

can i charge someone with a crime for calling me a CENSORED if they are of a different race than black. If so how long do i have to do this

Asked on 2/23/10, 2:20 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Scott Riddle Law Office of Scott B. Riddle, LLC

You cannot charge anyone with anything. That is the job of the DA or Magistrate. You can ask that charges be brought by going to the Courthouse and completing the forms and perhaps speaking with the police. However, in this country, there is no general legal right to not be offended and it is not a crime to call people names or be insulting. If the other person was acting in such a way to provoke a fight ("fighting words"), or physically intimidate you, it is possible you have an assault claim but that would require many more supporting facts. In a nutshell, basic name calling is not a reason to go to the police and even if you did it would not likely go very far.

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Answered on 3/02/10, 5:30 am

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