Legal Question in Criminal Law in Georgia


I had public defender asigned case 12-02-07. only interviewed DA's witnesses both of which stol\ruck.

my lawer after metting with them informed me that i take DA's

offer I offered witnesses that my lawer did not talk with . Lawer told me that i would no be listed as felon because i had no record. but didn't tell me I could be sued by victom or anything else . I told him i wanted to think it over next day he had appointment set to plead quilty. I went to app ointment and told my lawer tha not plead. I did not

pay $50. fee so they wanted me to update application and would not allow me to make appointment until doing so. I had calender call on 1- 6 -09 I was told by my lawer that i needed to update application , when they call me he affirmed. I then filled

another app and gave $50.00 told them nothing had changed and left i then learned that 1-5 they filed motion to withdraw and DA'S witnesses had been convicted of same crime 3yrs before I answered motion and informed the judge that my lawer withheld facts when he advised i plead. 1-27

I ask judge to rule. lawyer said motion was because I wouldn't verify app

my lawyer stated that i was guilty

to judge & DA

Asked on 2/06/09, 9:16 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Martin Hilliard Martin G. Hilliard, PC

Re: malpratise

as a state officer they are pretty much immune from suit...i would get a defense lawyer around i am sure someone can fit your budget...


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Answered on 2/07/09, 11:59 pm

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