Legal Question in Criminal Law in Georgia

Welfare Fraud

A few months ago, I applied for food stamps based on the fact that I was only survivng off of one income with three kids. During the course of my interview, I denied having bank accounts.However, after speaking with my estranged husband, i was informed that one of our bank acccounts is still active. At this time, I am at the point of a nervous breakdown/suicide. How can I cancel my account with DFACS w/0 being charged with committing a charge of welfare fraud

Asked on 2/01/09, 3:21 am

1 Answer from Attorneys

Martin Hilliard Martin G. Hilliard, PC

Re: Welfare Fraud

I think you will be okoay , but you need to seek counsel who knows people in that agency to gauge their reaction to what has happened....


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Answered on 2/02/09, 4:09 pm

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