Legal Question in Family Law in Georgia
Name Change for minor children
I dont know the real fathers address nor has he been in there lives for the past eight years I want to avoid contact with him but want to change there names the right way also. I have pulished it in the papers where we reside but can I do the same where he might be or since he hasnt provided for them in more than five years is there another way I can do the change.
Asked on 8/07/07, 4:28 pm
1 Answer from Attorneys
Glen Ashman
Ashman Law Office also dba Glen Ashman Attorney
Re: Name Change for minor children
A newspaper ad does not change names. An ad, ordered by a court, is part of the process. If you're in metro Atlanta, call me and I likely can handle this inexpensively for you.
Answered on 8/07/07, 4:42 pm