Legal Question in Family Law in Georgia

Custodian parent moving

I am moving 60 miles away. My final order does not state anything about moving. The order states the father gets her on first and third weekend and the weeks he does not have her he gets her on Wed evening from 3:00 to 7:00 pm (we have worked it out that he can pick her up anytime during the day from the sitter which is now only about 10 minutes away from his house). He then is suppose to deliver her back to me anywhere in the judical circuit I designate. This is a four county circuit and we now live in the same county. The county I am moving to is actually the next county over (not in the same circuit). I understand I can meet him at the county line and still following the order. The days he has her at 3:00 will be a challenge as I work during the day and she will be in daycare in the new hometown. Shouldn't he have to pick her up wherever she is since the order did not designate a pick up spot as it did for drop off? Will the judge see me moving just 60 miles as a problem? He can not take me back to court for about 9 more months because the judge warned him not to be seen in the courts for atleast two years.


Asked on 5/19/06, 8:42 pm

1 Answer from Attorneys

Charles W. Field Charles W. Field, Attorney at Law

Re: Custodian parent moving

You should consult with a local attorney to (1) review your decree and (2) get advice about how your local judges would be likely to rule in a case such as yours.

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Answered on 5/26/06, 4:13 pm

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